We have learned so much on this maiden voyage.
- We have to get out of vacation mode.
- We don't worry about the little things.
- Mike's blood pressure has lowered.
- Our priorities have changed.
- We do not miss the alarm clock.
- We don't need much to live and be happy.
- It's fun getting a tan in the winter.
- It's nice to have lots of farmer's markets close by with fresh veggies and fruits in the winter.
- It feels weird to see schools in session when it feels like summer. (But it's really winter.)
- It's hard to remember what day it is.
- It's hard to remember it's winter.
- We have talked more, loved more and laughed more.
- We are blessed to be able to go where we want and do what we want.
- Mike is great at parking and leveling this rv.
- Melanna is a great helper/gopher.
- Melanna's hand signals have improved.
- We know what we need for our next voyage.
- We know what we can do without on our next voyage.
- We have a good start on our exercise regime.
- We may not have lost a lot of weight on this voyage, but we're moving in the right direction.
- We have met lots of people and made new friends.
- We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we love our new life and we love living in our rv.
Do you know why? Because we are so in love with each other. God put together. We love each other's company and we love being together in our little "tin can" as Mike calls it. These are very close quarters and one would have to love their spouse to be able to do this kind of travel. We love each other that much that we could live together in this small space. We are blessed. Thank you, Lord.
Tomorrow evening we will be home. We already dread the cold but are looking forward to being home. We have many plans of things we want to do at home this summer. But we are also planning our next winter voyage. Tonight, we ate Mexican at the Margarita Grille. The food was great. I had a tilapia taco and a shrimp taco and Mike had a tilapia salad. We got our gas for the road tomorrow and now we're back at the rv for the night. Time for showers and maybe an episode of Blue Bloods before bedtime. Blue Bloods is our favorite show.
Brrrr! It's cold here. I've been wearing a jacket and jeans all day. We have the heat on but we're comfy in here. Well, we will be seeing you soon.