We are making our way back home but slowwwwwwly. So we'll be here for four nights then Sunday morning, we will be moving again a little farther north for a couple nights. Where we are now, is about seven miles from where Malorie and Ben live. So we will get to visit them and Ethan again before leaving Florida for the summer.
This park we're in is called Big Oaks RV Park. We were able to get a pull-through site. Yay! And, it was level so we didn't have to do anything but disconnect it from the truck. We have a tree next to our patio which provides lots of shade.
Last night, several of us went out to dinner since it was our last night at Sun and Shade. That was such a nice park, we're pretty sure we'll be coming back. The couple next to us is hoping we'll get the spot next to them next winter too. We would like that too because they were excellent neighbors. We really enjoyed getting to know them. They had sold their home and are living full time in their rv 5th wheel. We've met so many people doing just that. Their home base is an rv park in North Carolina. Very nice people. We've already met a couple in this park just after we pulled in. People in these parks are so friendly. The couple we met this afternoon in this park are from Maine. They've been living in this park during the winters for three years and they said they love it here. Good to know. In the morning we'll take a long walk and check out this park. We don't really know how big it is. It does have a swimming pool.
Mike and I have not been sleeping very well in the past few nights. I had a little mishap and hurt both my legs--my left knee cap and my right leg below the knee. I've been in a lot of pain and having trouble sleeping because it is sooooooo sore. My right leg is bruised awful and my ankle is swollen. We haven't been walking in about three days now. That's why I haven't been sleeping well for a few nights. I'm probably keeping Mike awake too. Anyway, we're bone tired. So . . . . . .
we're going to just chill. Night Night.
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